Tuesday, 13 February 2018

A-Z of babies...

Miss C - 2016

A - Amazing, let's start off with a good one because let's face it babies are amazing!

B – Baby blues, normally hit you on day 3 and you’ll cry at everything the good bad and the ugly. Don’t worry it passes! 
C – Cuddles, oh god the baby cuddles! Make the most of them because it won’t be long until they’re a wriggly 6 month old who won’t sit still for more than 5 mins.
D – Daddy, no matter how much is snoring during night feeds annoys you bare with him he’s your team mate and you need him. 
E – Eyes, most babies have blue eyes when they’re born. I was constantly checking all the time to see if they were changing. 
F – Feeding, ALL THE TIME. 
G – Grandparents, if they visit take the moment to pee uninterrupted or take a shower, maybe even a nap if you’re really lucky! 
H – Hair, that beautiful first baby hair. Most baby hair falls out and grows back sometimes a different colour. Or if yours are anything like mine it won’t fall out and they’ll have a mop! 
I – Immunisations, as horrible as it is to see your baby have their first imms with lots of cuddles they’ll never remember! 
J – Jaundice, most babies suffer with jaundice a few days after birth. Nothing a bit of sunlight normally should fix. 
K – Kisses, smother them in baby kisses but only mummy and daddy. Everyone else has germs! Haha. 
L – Little, little everything. 
M – Mummy knows best, need I say more? 
N – Nails, don’t cut them, you will cut the baby, baby will cry then you will cry. Especially if it’s on day 3. 
O – Outfits, save your money. Unless it’s for a special occasion those cute little outfits are never worn and baby’s love their babygrows. 
P – Pillow, a nursing pillow is the best investment I ever made. Even if you’re not nursing they are so comfortable for feeding and naps. 
Q – Questions, there are so many questions the books don’t cover. You will be googling, probably while sleep deprived and up at 3am.
R – Responsibility, so much responsibility bringing the baby home. You almost looked at the midwife like she was crazy when she said you could go home. 
S – Sick, so much baby sick. 
T – Toilet, never going to the toilet alone seemed like such a luxury. 
U – Ups and Downs, it really is a roller coaster. Some days you will feel like super mum others you’ll stay in your pyjamas and eat biscuits. 
V – Visitors, those lovely visitors that bring lovely little presents for the baby and sometimes for you. Just make sure you say no if you’ve had a bad night and that they make their own tea and coffee! 
W – Wind, nothing more grouchy than a windy baby. 
X – Expect the unexpected, (I know not technically an X) babies are pros at knowing when your comfortable. Whether that be drinking a cup of coffee or in a nap routine and will change it up just to mess with you. Don’t get comfortable! 
Y – Yellow, supposedly a neutral colour, if you dress a boy in yellow they’ll think it’s a girl if you dress a girl in yellow they’ll think it’s a boy. 
Z – Zzzzzzz’s, it will feel like you’ll never sleep again but you will. Maybe. 
I hope you found it funny and I’ve had a few requests for different A-Z’s if there’s any you’d like to see comment below and let me know! 
V x

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