Tuesday 28 August 2018

The Gilded King by Josie Jaffrey - BOOK REVIEW

Star rating: 5/5 stars

Despite having a massive TBR pile and an equally massive TBR pile for my degree, nothing was taking my fancy so when I was scrolling through twitter looking for inspiration and I saw a post from the lovely Josie Jaffrey looking for book reviewers to review her latest book 'The Gilded King.' Thinking I had nothing to lose and being drawn in by the gorgeous cover I contacted Jodie who generously sent out a review copy. 

As soon as the book arrived I just knew I was going to love it, the blurb (in the last city on earth, death is just a step into the trees) got me right away and I couldn't wait to get stuck right in. Let me tell you it didn't disappoint and from the first chapter I couldn't put it down. The story follows Julia's life in (unknowingly to her) sheltered 'blue' and Cameron's journey into the 'red.' The story is the most delicious mix of dystopian literature with fairytale and folklore that kept me gripped and guessing what was coming next. 

One of the most surprising things about this book was that it made me realise how traditional mainstream YA can be. I read a lot (I mean a lot) and this is the first book I've read with a gay character who has a key role in the storyline with a romantic interest. It saddened me that I was actually surprised when this character turned out to be gay. Maybe if more literature didn't marginalise LGBQT characters it would become less of a surprise and more common place.

If you like adventure, fairy tales and romance I highly recommend you get this book! Josie I can't wait to find out what happens next!

Sunday 26 August 2018

A whole new world by Liz Braswell - BOOK REVIEW

Star rating: 4/5 stars

As an avid bookworm and Disney lover, I was excited and slightly disappointed in myself that I hadn't heard of the Disney twisted tales series. So when I found 'A whole new world' on the shelves whilst doing my local supermarket shop I had to treat myself, knowing that I had a holiday coming up where I might actually get a chance to read something not on my degree book list.

I was slightly apprehensive at the thought of someone retelling my favourite stories but didn't want to miss out. I was not disappointed! Although the story begins with the same beginning as the film it soon branches off to its 'twisted' tale. The story follows Aladdin and what happens when he enters the tiger cave to retrieve the lamp for Jafar. In the film Aladdin keeps the lamp and the genie for himself whereas (SPOILER ALERT) in the book, Jafar gets the lamp for himself and Aladdin is left in the tiger cave after the entrance has closed. The story itself is great for any big Disney fan as it gives you an insight into Aladdin and Jasmine's home life and history. You find out more about the street rats that Aladdin grows up with and why they're in the situation they are in.

Overall the book is exciting and fast-paced. With something for action lovers as well as romance lovers. With lots of nods to the original, the genie will remind you fondly of Robin Williams. If you're a true Disney fan you'll probably have seen Aladdin 2: Return of Jafar, this has a lot of similarities, but this is for a more mature audience with a lot of relatable moments to today's politics! 

Highly recommend for any fan of fairy tales and magic!

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Birth story #1

In celebration of my eldest's 5th birthday I thought I'd share my first birth story! :)

On the 11th August at 9 days overdue and 2 unsuccessful sweeps later; my husband and I and our friends decided to take the dogs and go over to a local country park for a picnic. I was uncomfortable and fed up at the idea of a c-section and quite frankly thought that she was never going to vacate on her own. Our friends who came for the picnic were also expecting but were due two weeks after us and at this point I was sure their baby would arrive before Miss H made her appearance. 

It was a lovely sunny day so we'd taken our beach tent to sit under and as we were packing up I bent down to pack up the tent when I got my first contraction (OUCH) thinking that it was just a stomach ache from the food I carried on and didn't say anything. I had another two pains walking back to the car and still ignored it. Anyone whose been in labour will understand this, but I actually thought that I just needed the toilet. I waddled over to the toilets before getting in the car to go home. Waved goodbye to our friends, got in the car and told hubby that my contractions had started but was okay. At this point I was in denial! 

We got home, called the hospital who informed us as a first time mum it would be a while. Their words were "put a film on, maybe titanic". Safe to say I lasted half an hour before we were back on the phone to the hospital who agreed for us to come up and have a look at me. At this point I was having contractions every 5 minutes but the hospital were still very unconcerned but still agreed to look at me. The midwife took one look at me and grabbed a wheelchair and took me straight into a delivery room. I was 10cm dilated and her head was in the birth canal! 

I was so lucky the midwife that looked after me seemed to understand straight away that I didn't want any fuss and I wanted to do as much as possible on my own. By this point it was getting dark and I was able to get into the birth pool with the lights out and just relax (as much as I could anyway). I remember clearly asking for drugs so many times and being told that it was too late for anything apart from gas and air, which I loved it was so relaxing and after 20 minutes of pushing my beautiful baby girl was born! 

My midwife was very no nonsense and as we were in such a rush to get to the hospital and they were so convinced they would be sending me back home, we hadn't brought any of our bags up so she sent hubby back to the car to get them; then gave me baby and started stitching me up! Honestly the stitches were the worst thing about giving birth. I'm there lying on the bed clutching baby in one arm and the gas and air in the other! By the time hubby got back (because obviously he'd been calling everyone we knew haha) stitches were done and I was showered and dressed like nothing had happened! 

I love reading birth stories, so thought I'd share mine! x